How To Host A Local Website OR Cloud Storage For Free On Any OS


By local website, I mean a website which is not actually available on the internet. This kind of a website is accessible by those connected to the same network (i.e. WiFi connection, LAN/WLAN network etc.) as the server. The site itself does not have a domain name (like Instead it is accessed via its IP address (static or not).

Creating a local website is great for testing and learning, especially for students who are learning HTML and/or PHP. Moreover, if you know what you are doing, you can create your own local cloud storage service, which is quite neat. Let’s hit the tutorial!


  1. A virtual machine software. I suggest and use (It’s free!) → Oracle VM VirtualBox.
  2. NAS4Free ISO (either download NAS4Free-x64-LiveCD or NAS4Free-x86-LiveCD)NAS4Free Downloads.
  3. A computer capable of running a virtual machine smoothly.

Install Oracle VM VirtualBox and move on.

Follow the steps on this website → The Secret Server: All Steps

I would list all the steps but I wouldn’t want to steal Instructables’ thunder. The tutorial is a bit tricky so if you have ANY difficulty then comment below and I will reply ASAP.

P.S. This makes a great end semester project for ICT students. My team got 2nd place using this 🙂 !